Monday, November 14, 2005

What I do with a day off

So I have just today off of work this week and what do I do? Laundry, cleaning, watching I figure out how to put pictures on my blog and how to add links. (Thanks again Ithiel.) Oh and I paid bills. That was fun. I spent over $400 in one hour just so my car won't be repossessed and I can have a phone, water, gas, electricity, etc. At least I got to sleep in. I was a complete vombie yesterday. Oh here is a fun story from work. A guy comes into the store to return some movies. He then tells me he returned a game for a friend and it had the wrong game in it and would like it back. I told him sure, where is our game? He said he didn't have it, but wanted that one still. So in short he 1) didn't rent the game 2) didn't own the game that was returned and 3) didn't have our game. He threw a fit when I wouldn't hand over the game. He wanted the number to my boss, complained about my customer service, and asked several times why I was making it so complicated. I don't really see the complication, return our game and I will give you yours or really your friend's game. Not complicated. He was told on the phone the previous evening that we would gladly swap the game for him. Apparently he does not understand what the word swap means. Another customer came in shortly after and asked if he could exchange a game he rented because he didn't like that one. I asked him if he understood the concept of the rental system. He didn't appreciate that too much. Sometimes all I can do is sit back and laugh at the stupidity of my customers.


At 11/16/2005 10:55 AM, Blogger Megan Leigh said...

I am greatly amused by the comments to the customers. I always wanted to do it but rarely had the balls to do it. You are an inspiration. :)


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