Health wise I am feeling better, mentally I need a break. Too much going on in my head right now. My cell phone has been off for days and it will probably remain that way for a while. I need to work some things out on my own, and I love all the people in my life but the concern is getting really annoying. I am fine, just not quite myself and I get at least 3 messages a day asking if I am okay. If I wanted to talk about what is going on in my head I would talk about it, but I don't. Sometimes I hate being me. Other people can have bad days and no one thinks twice about it, I have an off day and people won't leave me alone, and that is all I want right now. Just a little alone time to work things out. No one can give me the answers I am looking for, no one can really understand what I am going through right now, and I appreciate the concern, but I wish they would just back off and let me get through this. I am rambling, I know I am rambling. Too many thoughts in my head and nothing comes out well, so I will just end this by again saying physically I am fine, and mentally, well that will come with time too.
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