Saturday, September 02, 2006

My 100th Post

And I have very little to actually say, just thought I needed a quick update. I am ill and no one seems to know what is wrong with me, and believe me it is not for a lack of looking. I will be quite happy never to have to get blood taken, or another abdominal CT done ever again. So since they can't find the exact cause of my illness they are treating symptoms for now, meaning valium to stop to muscle spasms, pain killers for the kidney pain, and lots and lots of vitamin water. It seems to be the only thing that makes me feel somewhat better. And I have to avoid salty foods because for some reason they make me feel worse. Oh and I get lots and lots of sleep, like minimum of 12 hours a night otherwise I am too weak to function. Hopefully all this will pass soon. If nothing else it is getting me to eat healthier and drink more water (like 60-80 ounces a day just to feel slightly better.) On the plus side any of the tests for anything really serious have all come back negative, so I am not going to die or anything. I am just anxious to get back to normal. Whatever is wrong with me has also been effecting my concentration and personality which bothers me more than anything. I just don't feel like me right now. Oh well, I guess I am just going to have to wait it out and I will either get better and things will go back to normal or I will get worse and then maybe they can find the cause and treat it. Until then I am just kind of existing the best I can.


At 9/02/2006 10:20 AM, Blogger david golbitz said...

Well, despite the fact that they can't seem to find a cause for what's wrong, I'm glad you went to see a doctor (or two). Hopefully something'll turn up or you'll just start feeling better soon.

At 9/04/2006 1:33 PM, Blogger rainbowponi said...

aww. that is really sad to hear. i am very sorry you are not feeling well. that explains why i havent heard alot from you lately. here's to getting better soon.


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