Sunday, April 02, 2006

Gay cowboys are boring!

So I now know why they had to use the damn line "I wish I knew how to quit you" on every trailer of the movie; there were not very many lines to choose from. They were not very chatty unlike the gay guys I know in real life. There really wasn't much in the movie that I didn't get from the trailers. The sex scene kind of caught me by surprise a bit though. Not that I didn't know it was coming, just that they were asleep, woke up, it seemed like they were going to fight each other, no kissing or anything, then Heath is fucking Jake up the ass. Jake always seemed a little fruity, but Heath seemed to go from straight to gay in like 5 seconds. I guess I thought there would be more leading up to the ass fucking, but that is just me. I like a little foreplay. The movie wasn't bad. It was very well done, beautifully shot and all, I guess I just expected more. It is probably much better as a book or short story or whatever it was before they turned it into a movie. When the main character doesn't say much its kinda hard to get into his head especially if you are not really in the mood to try. Heath did do a good job, but there is only so much a quite, brooding look can say until you want to ask what the fuck are you thinking? And you don't get to see that much of Jake's life away from the "fishing trips." At least I now know if he was ever able to quit him. The one thing that I did not get from the fucking trailer. I am now going to spoil it, not that anyone cares, no one wanted to see it, he dies. He dies in like the very next scene after he says it. That is how he quits him, by dying. Do you know how hard it is going to be for me at work to not spoil this? I hear that damn line at work about 16+ times a day and anyone who knows me well knows that I talk to random things, objects, the t.v., whatever. At this point that line is already driving me nuts, so at some point I am going to want to scream at the trailer tape for him to just die already. Probably lose my job if I did that though. By the end of the day I will probably be mumbling it under my breath. Stupid gay cowboys driving me nuts. Oh and with all the hype around this movie guess how many copies we have for rent? Seventeen. That is all. I will have to practice the phrase, no we are checked out of Brokeback Mountain. Hopefully I won't slip and say, no we are checked out of the stupid gay cowboy movie.


At 4/02/2006 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was beautifully shot and I know quite a few people who were very touched by the movie. One particular woman I know-- bisexual, by the way-- cries every time she sees it. I sat through it rather perplexed. I mean, I couldn't identify with anything in it, being a straight city-dweller and all. At the end, I was, like, "huh. Well." I understand the social importance of the RELEASE of a movie like that into mainstream American cinema but, being who I am, it didn't really have an effect on me, either.

-- The God of Hellfire

P.S. I've recommended it, mean prick that I am, to my cowboy co-workers, but they've declined.

At 4/02/2006 5:48 PM, Blogger raptorpack said...

Only a little foreplay for ass are a stronger woman than I. I least need like a full paid trip arond the world for like a year to even be comfortable enough that washing the shame off from giving head when I'm not gay to be even remotely worth it. Maybe a trip to mars...I think I'll give up a little ass for that.

At 4/02/2006 6:20 PM, Blogger AliKat said...

I did like the movie for the most part, I liked the story, but I cry at everything and this didn't move me to tears. Maybe if I watched it in a different mood it might have, but I just didn't really identify with the characters enough either.

I meant foreplay before sex in general, ass fucking would require more than just foreplay for me too. Give head though, that I do willingly. :)

At 4/03/2006 2:28 PM, Blogger raptorpack said...

Three cheers for head all around...Hip, hip, hooray; Hip, hip, hooray; Hip, hip, oooooooooooo....ahahahahah...hooray


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