Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I have movies...

If anyone is interested in watching Capote, Derailed, or Everything is Illuminated I have them until Monday. FYI: Capote is the movie Philip Seymour Hoffman just won Best Actor for; Derailed is the Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owen drama/suspense thing; Everything is Illuminated is starring Elijah Wood and he goes to the Ukraine to find the woman who saved his grandfather from the Nazis.


At 3/15/2006 10:39 AM, Blogger david golbitz said...

I would dig watchin' Capote and Everything is Illuminated. Perhaps over the weekend?

At 3/15/2006 3:09 PM, Blogger AliKat said...

I wanted to try to get Everything is Illuminated back before the weekend because our store got one copy total and I don't want to hog it, but if I can't get it back sooner too bad for them.

At 3/16/2006 1:44 AM, Blogger raptorpack said...

I have no real desire to see any of them. I really only have time to possibly see V for Vendetta this Thursday (10pm at Star Cinema (Iowa) if you can go) or this weekend but you never know...I should study but I might not...can never tell.

At 3/16/2006 1:52 AM, Blogger AliKat said...

Well I don't work Thursday and I don't go into work until like 4 on Friday, so that could work for me.


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