Sunday, March 19, 2006

Stupid Snow

I moved to California to get away from the snow, I have been back for like 2 1/2 weeks and now it is snowing. :( At least it isn't really sticking. They already canceled school for tomorrow though, which I don't get. Its not that bad out. Right now, its not even snowing. They are only predicting like 2-4 inches by morning. I guess since they haven't used any snow days yet this year they figured why not? Well at least if it does get bad tomorrow I don't have to go anywhere. Hooray for no work. I am tired and cranky anyway. I need a day off. Hopefully my paycheck comes tomorrow and I will no longer be poor, of course there are those stupid bills I need to pay. They actually want me to pay back the loan for my car. What is up with that? I'm cute, they should just give me the money for free. :) Well almost time for Grey's Anatomy and I really have nothing to say anyway. I'm just bored so I thought I would post something.


At 3/19/2006 11:49 PM, Blogger david golbitz said...

Who knew the chief was an alcoholic? Everyone's got secrets on this freakin' show.

And Izzie kissed a (soon-to-be) corpse. Ewww.

At 3/21/2006 12:09 PM, Blogger raptorpack said...

I missed Grey's anatomy...some sort of mix up with the DVR


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