Saturday, September 22, 2007

Grey's Anatomy

Okay, short post that is mostly a question to those of you that watch Grey's. Lexie is Meredith's half sister, but was she Susan's daughter from a previous marriage? This is never really explained that I can remember and if she isn't there is a huge flaw in the timeline since Thatcher left Ellis when Meredith was 5, it would be at least a year before he got remarried and probably another year before Lexie would be born making her 7 years younger than Meredith and impossible for her to be an intern this year. Its been bugging me since I finished watching season 3 on dvd. If anyone can answer this for me please let me know. I think I might have to rewatch season 2 to see the episodes that first introduced Susan and see if they say anything other than "Lexie is at Haravard in med school." They all certainly act like Thatcher is her biological dad, but it just doesn't fit. I am all about suspending disbelief in t.v. and movies, but this might be too much for me. I might get really made at the show over this. Seven years? Seriously!?!


At 9/24/2007 4:06 PM, Blogger raptorpack said...

Okay, I can't say for certain, but if she is Grey's half sister than no. She is not from another marraige. If she was than she would be a step sister. Maybe the guy was cheating on Mrs. Grey before they split up. He was kinda miserable when he was with her.

At 10/11/2007 11:53 PM, Blogger rainbowponi said...

meredith has a half sister that is reveal dramatically of course and explained that thatcher is in fact her biological dad, hence the half sister and that thatcher married after splitting up with greys mom and had this daughter and gave this new family and daughter the love and attention that meredith never got.


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