People Can Be So Stupid
So I got a call the other day at work. A woman claimed that her home was broken into and someone took her movies. I look up her account, she has a movie pass and about two hours prior someone had come in and exchanged the movies that were on her pass. I told her this and she said it wasn't her and the other people on her account were all at work. This happened while I was at lunch meaning they could very well have wanted to exchange the movies while on their lunch break. It was new movie day, people do that. Anyway she was asking why we didn't know that someone else was using her pass because she is in there all the time, she is the one that comes in with her kids and they play the games. Yeah that really narrows it down for me. I told her that I recognize faces but don't usually match them up to an account, especially if they have a movie pass. Her response, well maybe I should. I told her we have over 3000 active members, I can't remember that many names. I should have asked her what my name was. We have three female employees and we wear name tags and if she couldn't come up with my name in three guess I should have just hung up on her. But I have to be nice, so I put her on hold, tried to talk to the district leader, got his voice mail, told her I left him a message and would do everything I could to get this all straightened out. She had wanted to see security tapes to find out who it was. After I put her on hold she decided it was probably her cousins who did it. I wanted to scream at her, well then why are you wasting my time? Why aren't you bothering them? What do you think I can actually do about this? But again, I have to be nice and I put her account on hold until it could be straightened out. Sometimes stupid phone calls are the only things that amuse me at work.
Boy, I sure don't miss dealing with customers.
yeah, I bet your job would be great...if it wasn't for the fucking customers
And what's the point of a customer service job without the customers? Why not just stay home and watch movies all day?
I really like about 95% of the customers there, its the other 5% that are stupid and annoying and I feel the need to bitch about. I mean come on someone broke in and stole just the movies on the movie pass and exchanged them for new ones. Do you know how hard it was for me to not laugh at her? She was so serious about it too. I can deal with the difficult people most of the time and the ones that are a little stupid, but there is a level of stupidity that makes me want to scream sometimes.
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