Monday, January 02, 2006


I wasn't really going to make any this year since I never really keep them or even remember them, but I have nothing else to post about so I guess I can come up with some.

1. When I get back to Omaha I need to find a new sponsor and work a better program. Yes, I have been sober for almost 2 years now, but the steps are there for a reason and I am sure if I worked them it could help me be a better person.

2. Stop letting men walk all over me. I have gotten really bad about that over the years. I let the guys i date get away with treating me poorly and then I end up getting hurt. This is just stupid and needs to stop.

3. Stop spending so much time at home alone. Hopefully I will get out more when I move to Omaha, but I should try to go out more while I am still here too. A little alone time is always good, but I never do anything anymore.

4. I should probably throw in something about my health. I don't really eat much anymore, so I am thin but not exactly healthy. I should do something about that. I need to eat healthier and maybe excersize a little to get into better shape and then my back won't go out all the time.

5. Stop being such a workaholic. Just because I can work 6-7 days a week doesn't mean I should.

I guess that is more than enough. Lets see what I actually stick to. At least now they are written down so I won't forget them.


At 1/02/2006 9:34 AM, Blogger david golbitz said...

Ooo, ooo, ooo, I got a resolution that might help with your number 4:


This has been a public service announcement.

At 1/02/2006 7:38 PM, Blogger AliKat said...

I thought about that, but I don't want to. :P

At 1/02/2006 8:56 PM, Blogger david golbitz said...

Would it not be ironic to have survived the copious drugs you've taken in your life, only to one day succumb to lung cancer?

At 1/02/2006 9:00 PM, Blogger AliKat said...

not that ironic, my grandmother died of lung cancer so it is a very real possibility that I could get it, and i do think about that. I'll quit someday, just don't want to make it a resolution, I think I tried it last year, it lasted like a day. My mom is going to be all over me to quit when i get back to Omaha anyway.


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