My neighbor is fucking nuts!
She is going through the dumpster and pulling out shit that I threw out. What the fuck? I told her all the electronic stuff (lamps, dvd player, printer) is broken, the food is all expired, the only shit worth taking out is the ex's old clothes and I don't know why she would want them. Of course this is the same neighbor who gave my roommate used thongs for Christmas so who knows. Just had to share. Back to throwing shit out.
I had the same thing happen when I left an apartment in a GOOD part of town, except that I didn't know anyone was digging IN the dumpster when I was tossing more in. Poor guy probably got a bump. Well, one woman's trash is another woman's treasure... or thong... or kielbasa, I guess...
I'm sure it's not an odd occurance... still, seeing it done first-hand with your own things must feel strange.
I miss Penny...
Before you leave, be sure to tell her that you're G-A-Y. It'll freak her out.
Oh I am sure its not that odd of the thing to do, but still. She kept telling me to stop throwing things out, just take them over to her, and I told her, no this is really trash, old papers and stuff. I don't think she believed me. It was like she thought I was holding out on her or something. I kind of want to put the cat litter in with the next bag I throw out, or maybe a used tampoon on top of every bag to say, yes this is trash.
1031-Good idea, I'll have to find some way to slip that info to her.
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