Friday, February 17, 2006

Many Random Notes

Well I fianlly got the moving company hired. Now I just have to pack. Yuck. I have so much stuff. I really need to go through and throw a lot of it out. I think if I haven't even touched something in the two years I have been living here, then it can probabaly be trashed. No sense in hanging on to something if I don't need it.

So i had missed this last Sunday's episode of Grey's Anatomy because I am a dumb ass and didn't set my VCR correctly. I was so upset. It was the second part of a two part episode. How could I miss it? Luckily the kind people at ABC heard my cries and replayed the episode last night. I was not disappointed. It was better than the first part, still full of intensity but more character driven. I was quite pleased. I think Grey's Anatomy has become my favorite t.v. show now.

I realized that my last post seemed a little down and harsh on the whole day. Don't think that I have turned into a bitter angry person when it comes to love. I needed to vent some of my frustrations, and in order to make the reality of the situation with Shawn feel real I needed to write it, to get it out, let others see it, so I could move on. I feel better after now that it is said and done, and the rest of my day was nice and relaxed.

I now know when my first trip to Chicago is going to be, well not exactly but the dates in which I have to be there. It seems my Rent obsession knows no bounds, and the touring company will be in Chicago from April 5-15. Now I know Mr. and Mrs. Poni will be in Omaha from the 10-15, so my trip must be made before that. I just know that sometime between April 5-9 I will be in Chicago seeing Rent performed live for the 5th time. Of course I am not sure of the dates the Jen will be in town, so if they are the 5-9, then I will have to wait until the next time they tour or the next time I am in New York. Friends still come before Rent.

So I started my fifth book of the year. So far really good. I just found it at Barnes and Noble when I went there to pick up Without You. Its entitled Crazy in Love, by Luanne Rice. The line on the back that caught my attention was, "...when your dreams are in danger of collapsing, it's time to create new ones." I found that pretty fitting considering everything I have been going through. I'm not too far into the book yet. I have only been reading it on breaks. I will probably give a brief review when I am finished with it. It will probably take longer than usual with the move and all.

I went to Walgreens today to pick up some stuff. I ended up finding the Easter Candy and have been gorging myself on sweets ever since. Easter always has my favorite candies. The Cadbury Cream Eggs have always been my favorite. A close second may have to be the Backe's Chicks and Rabbits. I don't know what they are exactly, but they are good.

Physical therapy has been going well. Only one or two session left. My back is feeling so much better, now all the muscles I should have been using instead of my back are all sore, but they will regain their former strength. I really must join a gym when I get back. I used to have dancing and riding and working as a theatre technician to keep me in shape. I have none of those now, so when I do something that used to be easy before, I end up getting injured. Working out a few times a week should prevent that from happening again.

Well, I hope that is everything. May have to do for a while. I am getting down to the wire now. I will be back in less than two weeks!


At 2/17/2006 11:53 PM, Blogger david golbitz said...

The best part of Grey's Anatomy: Pink Mist.

At 2/18/2006 12:27 AM, Blogger AliKat said...

Personally, I liked it when Derek recalled their last kiss. What can I say, I will always be a romantic.

At 2/18/2006 10:30 AM, Blogger david golbitz said...

Yeah, I guess that might trump the bomb squad guy becoming pink mist.

That McDreamy, he sure sets the bar pretty high for us regular fellas.

At 2/18/2006 11:56 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I don't know anyone else who watch's Grey's Anatomy. I took it as a personal insult that I missed the first part and sat there saying, "How the hell did she end up with her hand in somebody's body and a bomb getting ready to go off?"

At 2/18/2006 5:54 PM, Blogger JLGB said...

You are clear for going to Chicago to see Rent! I will not be in Omaha the 5-9 of April. Hooray!

At 2/19/2006 1:43 AM, Blogger AliKat said...

Sweet! Though I would have happily missed Rent to see you.

And for Chris and anyone else who may have missed part one, the person with the bomb came in and the paramedic had her hand inside him to stop the bleeding (not knowing what was in there) then they discovered it was a bomb and they can't shift it or it may explode, so she is stuck like that. After a while she freaks out, Meredith tries to calm her down, but she pulls her hand out and runs, Meredith immediate sticks her hand in the body and that is where the episode ended.

At 2/19/2006 2:41 AM, Blogger Bourgeois Dave said...

so did meredith do her 'pink mist' impression this last sunday then?

At 2/19/2006 7:57 PM, Blogger AliKat said...

Bomb squad guy became pink mist, Meredith is fine, she got knocked over, but was far enough away to avoid any real injury. She just got to witness the guy turn into pink mist.

At 2/21/2006 11:40 PM, Blogger rainbowponi said...

wow that s a long post. i misssed the epixode this week, missed sunday night was there an episode? what did i miss?

i wasnt so happy with the second part of the last episode. i wont go into it now though b/c i am going to bed.
i'm on book 4 of the year!

At 2/22/2006 2:14 AM, Blogger AliKat said...

Poni-you missed a good episode on Sunday, Mark, the guy Addison was cheating on Derek with came into town, Derek punched him while he was talking to Meredith, and the episode ended with Meredith sleeping with George! I have to say, don't miss this week's episode, i can't wait to see how that turns out! If you want a more detailed account of what happened last sunday I will gladly give it, just thought I would start with the highlights.


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