So tonight I found out that I don't get my one day off of work this week. I was supposed to have a whole Saturday off. An entire weekend day off and I was planning on spending it with my new guy. Silly guy has one of those jobs were he has weekends off and I rarely do. Needless to say I was a bit upset. I was going to have to close Friday night and Saturday night, I already had to close on the fourth and I just plan did not want to close on Saturday. I called up the other manager to see if he would switch shifts so I could at least get one weekend night off and he really did not want to. Now he is the reason why I ended up working every other day this week. He wanted to party on Monday and so I came in and closed. He got to party on the fourth, and he gets his Friday night to go off and party. This seemed to me to be quite unfair. I told him I would close on Saturday, but if I am forced to I will be leaving Blockbuster. This may seem rash, but I really meant it. I have been working for this company for over 2 years and have worked pretty much every weekend and holiday during that time. I think I had Arbor Day off. :) In California it wasn't a big deal. My family was 1500 miles away, I had only a couple of close friends, and the only serious relationship I had out there was my ex and we were living together so the schedule didn't matter so much. Now, I have my family, lots of friends that I would like to be able to spend time with, and a guy that I would really like to be able to spend more time with and get to know better. The first guy I have met in an extremely long time who is really worth getting to know and worth getting upset about not being able to spend a day with. I would probably be less upset if it weren't for the fact that next week I am working 6 days, and my day off is Tuesday so who knows when I will have another weekend day off. The other manager was acting all put out over this too, and really I don't have a lot of sympathy. I have a extra year of shitty schedules over him and like I said, he got to have his holiday and he still gets his Friday night. Now, however, I have started thinking about the future, the big holidays coming up in a few months. Do I really want to have to go through another year of not celebrating any holidays? I did get last Thanksgiving, and that was the only holiday I think I have really celebrated in at least 5 years. When I was in Chicago I rarely made it back to Omaha because I really hated coming back and California was too far to travel back for holidays. I miss having holidays. I miss celebrating Christmas. My priorities are finally shifting from work to family and friends. I can always find another job, probably not one that pays as well, but I could at least get by okay. I have killed myself for this company. I can't count the number of 6-7 day work weeks I have had in a row. The times that I have covered multiple stores and not gotten a day off for almost 3 weeks. I can't do that forever. I can always make more money, but I can't get back the time I miss with my family and friends, so I am thinking maybe its time I start looking for a new job.