Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I know

I haven't posted in a while. A lot is going on in my life right now, and I have been thinking about it and pursuing things and haven't had a chance to get my thoughts written down yet and I didn't want to post something just to post something, which is kind of what this is but whatever. I promise sometime this week I will do a very long post explaining where I am in my life right now and what has been going on. Be patient, more will be revealed.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Stupidity of the Human Race

So Monday there was this big email and voicemail sent out at work telling us not to release Pirates. Now, me and the other manager were thinking maybe it had something to do with its content, seeing as it is an edited version of a hardcore porn but no. The reason is that they are afraid that people will confuse it with the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie that just came out. Now, seriously, how stupid would you have to be to think that Pirates was really Pirates of the Caribbean. Yes, they made the cover look similar, but the actors on the cover are porn stars. No Johnny Depp, no Orlando Bloom, no Kierra Knightly, just porn stars. Also, we have had this movie in stores for two weeks, corporate had it before that, and the day before it is to be released this just occurs to them? They didn't see the cover when they first got it and say, "hey maybe we should put something on this so that people don't confuse it with Pirates of the Caribbean?" No, they wait until the day before it comes out. Apparently they are having some sticker made to put on it to tell people it is not Pirates of the Caribbean. Sometimes the stupidity of the human race just saddens me.

Monday, July 10, 2006


So I really need to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Anyone up for going with me? I have Tuesday off this week, other than that I am working days all week (execpt Friday) so pretty much any evening I am free.

Friday, July 07, 2006


So tonight I found out that I don't get my one day off of work this week. I was supposed to have a whole Saturday off. An entire weekend day off and I was planning on spending it with my new guy. Silly guy has one of those jobs were he has weekends off and I rarely do. Needless to say I was a bit upset. I was going to have to close Friday night and Saturday night, I already had to close on the fourth and I just plan did not want to close on Saturday. I called up the other manager to see if he would switch shifts so I could at least get one weekend night off and he really did not want to. Now he is the reason why I ended up working every other day this week. He wanted to party on Monday and so I came in and closed. He got to party on the fourth, and he gets his Friday night to go off and party. This seemed to me to be quite unfair. I told him I would close on Saturday, but if I am forced to I will be leaving Blockbuster. This may seem rash, but I really meant it. I have been working for this company for over 2 years and have worked pretty much every weekend and holiday during that time. I think I had Arbor Day off. :) In California it wasn't a big deal. My family was 1500 miles away, I had only a couple of close friends, and the only serious relationship I had out there was my ex and we were living together so the schedule didn't matter so much. Now, I have my family, lots of friends that I would like to be able to spend time with, and a guy that I would really like to be able to spend more time with and get to know better. The first guy I have met in an extremely long time who is really worth getting to know and worth getting upset about not being able to spend a day with. I would probably be less upset if it weren't for the fact that next week I am working 6 days, and my day off is Tuesday so who knows when I will have another weekend day off. The other manager was acting all put out over this too, and really I don't have a lot of sympathy. I have a extra year of shitty schedules over him and like I said, he got to have his holiday and he still gets his Friday night. Now, however, I have started thinking about the future, the big holidays coming up in a few months. Do I really want to have to go through another year of not celebrating any holidays? I did get last Thanksgiving, and that was the only holiday I think I have really celebrated in at least 5 years. When I was in Chicago I rarely made it back to Omaha because I really hated coming back and California was too far to travel back for holidays. I miss having holidays. I miss celebrating Christmas. My priorities are finally shifting from work to family and friends. I can always find another job, probably not one that pays as well, but I could at least get by okay. I have killed myself for this company. I can't count the number of 6-7 day work weeks I have had in a row. The times that I have covered multiple stores and not gotten a day off for almost 3 weeks. I can't do that forever. I can always make more money, but I can't get back the time I miss with my family and friends, so I am thinking maybe its time I start looking for a new job.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July

While all of you are having fun and enjoying your day off take a moment to think of me at work telling stupid customers that no, we do not have the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, its not out in theatres yet. Its not like I am bitter about working today. Its not like there was anything else I could be doing today. Its not like I have a new guy I would have loved to spend some time with, or there was a party I could have gone to, or a new baby to meet. No, nothing going on today, so yeah I guess its a good thing that I am working, otherwise I would have been very very bored all day. Its not like I am not used to working holidays, I am just used to working them 1500 miles away where it really didn't matter to me. I only had a couple of close friends I cared about, very little family in the area, I would have actually been bored on holidays. Now I have a life and would actually like some days off. Hopefully I will have my own store by the time the major holidays come around so I can at least have some say in what I work. I still probably won't be able to have them off, but I can at least work during the day so I have time to spend with friends and family at night. That would be a nice change. Well, I must get ready for work. Again everyone enjoy your day, I wish I could be having fun with you.