Monday, January 30, 2006

I just want to scream!

Tuesday morning I get to work expecting that things got done the night before. The carpets were being cleaned so the 2 people who closed were stuck in the store for an extra 3 hours. What did i find when I got there? Not a dammned thing was done. Nothing. Not even the regular closing duties (stocking candy, checking in and running movies, stocking soda, emptying the trash cans etc.) Also, Monday night is when we are supposed to put the new movies out on the wall. This too was not done, which meant I had to do it. This means going through the boxes in the back, finding the movies that go out that day and dragging the boxes out front and putting them on the wall. I got all but the one really big title put out when my back completely gave out on me. I was so frustrated and in so much pain I called up the DL to tell him what was going on and left him a voice mail where I was clearly in tears. He called my back right away concerned, I told him what was going on, that I do most of the work in that store and its killing me, and he promised to talk to the store manager (who closed the night before). It wasn't until 1:30 that someone else came in to help me and by that time I could hardly move. I finished my shift, and went home to rest my poor aching back. The next day, no improvement. Still could barely move and it hurt to sit, stand, walk, anything. By Thursday I had had enough, so after my shift I went to Urgent Care and they gave me a muscle relaxant and told me to take tylenol. I filed an injury report with work on Friday, and took off early to see another doctor who could give me a treatment plan, and now I get to have physical therapy twice a week for three weeks, and can do very little in the mean time. I had to cancel a trip to Vegas, I was supposed to be there Sunday thru Tuesday to see an old friend. I spent a total of an hour in my friend's hot tub yesterday. I have not lifted a thing or done anything remotely hard on my back, and yet the pain is still very much there. I am so pissed off, upset and in so much pain i just want to kill someone. All that anger has been, in my opinion rightly directed at the store manager. If she would have just done her fucking job on Monday night I would not be in this position right now. I almost just up and quit my job on Tuesday when I saw what the store looked like. If I had closed that night the sotre would have looked perfect, and other projects would have been done, but I am responsible, and take some pride in my work. But here I am, stuck at home, half out of it from the muscle relaxant I took almost 18 hours ago, I can hardly do anything, and I have never felt more alone. Living alone is great except when you get sick or injured, then its just really lonely. I can't wait to move back.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Hooray For Me!

I have two years clean and sober today! The time has certainly flown by. I'll probably post more about it later, got other stuff to do at the moment.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Back to Work

Well I have had two wonderful days off, and now I have to go back to work in the morning. I actually got a lot done over the weekend for once though. I got caught up on my cleaning, caught up on my movie watching, caught up on my blog, caught up with some friends, I'm caught up on bills; it was a very productive weekend. And best of all my back didn't give out through it all. Now I get to watch some of my favorite tv shows, and get another good night's sleep. Hooray for good weekends. By the way, Flightplan, Corpse Bride, and In Her Shoes were all good movies. I was surprised by In Her Shoes, definitely a chick flick, but a good one. Its about time some good movies started coming out again.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thats better

Well I have the entire weekend off. I can't believe it, a whole weekend to myself. I got to sleep in for the first time in a long time. It felt so wonderful and my back isn't hurting me hardly at all today. I guess it just needed me to sleep for like 12 hours and give it a chance to relax more. Anyway, I finally got some cleaning done around the apartment. Took out a lot of trash, straightened up a bit, i am currently doing a couple loads of laundry, and I cleaned out my car. The place is still a little messy, but at least its not embarassingly messy anymore. Now its just clutter, and I think I will save going through that for another day. The rest of the evening is for laundry, reading, and maybe a movie. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Friday, January 20, 2006

My Back Hurts :(

A couple of years ago I broke my back. No cool story to go with, it was a stress fracture on the last vertebrae from riding too many horses. I was training them at the time. Anyway, since then I have been having some back problems, nothing major and usually the pain goes away in a few days or a week. For the past month or so I have been having a lot of pain in my low back and nothing I do seems to help it. I have tried everything I can think of, putting heat on it, putting muscle rub cream stuff on it, wearing my back brace, spending time in my friend's hot tub, taking as much over the counter pain meds as I dare. Nothing has helped. I guess now it is time to get some professional help for it. I have been putting off going to the doctor because I am afraid they will just want to give me pain meds and send me on my way and that is the last thing I want. Last time I got pills for my back I went a little overboard and ended up in rehab. Well, it was a lot more complicatd than that, but the pills finially pushed me over the edge. Also, I want more of a cure for my back than a temporary solution for the pain. Tonight was so bad I could hardly stand it. I took as much asprin as I could safely take and it barely helped. I am limited in the types of pain pills I can take now because I am now allergic to some of them. It really sucks. I guess i should go see a chiropractor, they could help my back and can't force pills down my throat. Now if I can just find the time to go.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

People Can Be So Stupid

So I got a call the other day at work. A woman claimed that her home was broken into and someone took her movies. I look up her account, she has a movie pass and about two hours prior someone had come in and exchanged the movies that were on her pass. I told her this and she said it wasn't her and the other people on her account were all at work. This happened while I was at lunch meaning they could very well have wanted to exchange the movies while on their lunch break. It was new movie day, people do that. Anyway she was asking why we didn't know that someone else was using her pass because she is in there all the time, she is the one that comes in with her kids and they play the games. Yeah that really narrows it down for me. I told her that I recognize faces but don't usually match them up to an account, especially if they have a movie pass. Her response, well maybe I should. I told her we have over 3000 active members, I can't remember that many names. I should have asked her what my name was. We have three female employees and we wear name tags and if she couldn't come up with my name in three guess I should have just hung up on her. But I have to be nice, so I put her on hold, tried to talk to the district leader, got his voice mail, told her I left him a message and would do everything I could to get this all straightened out. She had wanted to see security tapes to find out who it was. After I put her on hold she decided it was probably her cousins who did it. I wanted to scream at her, well then why are you wasting my time? Why aren't you bothering them? What do you think I can actually do about this? But again, I have to be nice and I put her account on hold until it could be straightened out. Sometimes stupid phone calls are the only things that amuse me at work.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Random Updates

So things are moving along with the move. I have about 25 e-mails to go through with moving quotes. Fun night in store for me, maybe I'll go through them tomorrow. I talked to the DL today and he said there are like 3 stores near my mom's house alone, so getting me transfered won't be difficult at all, which is a relief. Not that I was that worried, its just nice to know that I won't be worrying about finding a job once I get back.
Okay, this have to share because it is soo funny. My store manager got married to her boyfriend of one week. They just up and went to Vegas and got married. Did I mention that she is 21 and lives with her parents? Now I have done some reckless things in my time, but at least I was never contractually bound to any of them. Too bad I'll probably be in Omaha when this blows up, it would at least be entertaining. I would like to be optimistic, but come on, she has known him for like 2 weeks now, maybe 3. I think all the sun out here fries peoples brains and being so close to Las Vegas just gets them into trouble.
Here is a question to ponder...why is it that the girls all update their blogs regularly and the boys don't? I am talking to you Ithiel and ComicFan, update your blogs. :) And what happened to Megan? Where did her blog go? Don't you all know that I need contact with people from Omaha? The people out here are all nuts. I have one sane friend out here and she grew up in the midwest so she hasn't been brain fried yet. My neighbor is nuts. You know who I am talking about 1031. She gave my roommate thong underwear for Christmas, and I don't think it was new either. Who does that?
People are starting to get pissed at me for not watching the crappy movies that are coming out. I keep telling them I have been reading and not watching movies, and one customer actually said they should make us watch the movies. Sorry I can't watch every movie that comes out just to tell my customers which ones sucked. I would lie and tell them they were good so they would rent them, but then they come back all pissed off and complaining and I don't want to deal with it. Well I am tired, maybe I'll go watch a movie. :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Well at least I am a cool nerd

Modern, Cool Nerd
82 % Nerd, 60% Geek, 17% Dork
For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.

A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.

A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd and Geek, earning you the title of: Modern, Cool Nerd.

Nerds didn't use to be cool, but in the 90's that all changed. It used to be that, if you were a computer expert, you had to wear plaid or a pocket protector or suspenders or something that announced to the world that you couldn't quite fit in. Not anymore. Now, the intelligent and geeky have eked out for themselves a modicum of respect at the very least, and "geek is chic." The Modern, Cool Nerd is intelligent, knowledgable and always the person to call in a crisis (needing computer advice/an arcane bit of trivia knowledge). They are the one you want as your lifeline in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (or the one up there, winning the million bucks)!


Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in any of the following:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Professional Wrestling

Love & Sexuality


Thanks Again! -- THE NERD? GEEK? OR DORK? TEST

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 93% on nerdiness
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You scored higher than 86% on geekosity
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You scored higher than 16% on dork points
Link: The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test written by donathos on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Nothing really

Well, I have very little to say, not much going on other than work, but its been a while since I posted anything so I felt the need to write. I've been reading a lot which is nice. Read three books in the last month and I am working on the fourth. I forgot how much fun it could be to just sit back and read. Its getting to be an expensive habit though, thank god I have some friends back in Omaha that I can borrow books from. So lately my roommate has been going out bar hopping which amuses me. That life style holds no interest for me anymore and to see the joy she gets out of it makes me laugh. My life may seem dull and boring but at least the people in it really mean something to me and aren't just looking for a good time while drunk. Well, she is moving out at the end of the month so I will get the place to myself the last month I am in town which is nice. I don't mind having a roommate, but its nice to come home to peace and quiet. Well, I am tired and I want to read more tonight, so I will wish everyone a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I want to get the fuck out of here!!! Work is driving me nuts, I get more and more bitter everyday. I would go into details, but I am a tad paranoid about who may read this and I would like to keep my job; I'll quit on my own terms thank you. Needless to say I am frustrated and can't wait to get the hell out of here. I did finally get to see King Kong today thanks to Blockbuster's Xmas present. I loved it! Everyone kept saying how long it was and I didn't even notice. Peter Jackson did have a little too much fun with the dinosaurs I think, but he is allowed. Wonderful movie, 2 thumbs up and all that. I have one more movie I can go to for free now. Haven't decided which one I want to see yet, probably Narnia. I hear its quite good. Well, I think I will get back to my book, just needed to vent and ramble a little. If anyone cares I am reading Ender's Game on Ithiel's recommendation. Very good book so far. Hopefully I will be finished with it by the end of the week. Its no Harry Potter, but its still very good.

Monday, January 02, 2006


I wasn't really going to make any this year since I never really keep them or even remember them, but I have nothing else to post about so I guess I can come up with some.

1. When I get back to Omaha I need to find a new sponsor and work a better program. Yes, I have been sober for almost 2 years now, but the steps are there for a reason and I am sure if I worked them it could help me be a better person.

2. Stop letting men walk all over me. I have gotten really bad about that over the years. I let the guys i date get away with treating me poorly and then I end up getting hurt. This is just stupid and needs to stop.

3. Stop spending so much time at home alone. Hopefully I will get out more when I move to Omaha, but I should try to go out more while I am still here too. A little alone time is always good, but I never do anything anymore.

4. I should probably throw in something about my health. I don't really eat much anymore, so I am thin but not exactly healthy. I should do something about that. I need to eat healthier and maybe excersize a little to get into better shape and then my back won't go out all the time.

5. Stop being such a workaholic. Just because I can work 6-7 days a week doesn't mean I should.

I guess that is more than enough. Lets see what I actually stick to. At least now they are written down so I won't forget them.